Its getting to the point where the fan films are as slick and professional as anything coming out of Hollywood. Found this one for the Green Hornet that has been rumored to be in production for a long time. The old TV show was a favorite of mine and the first time anyone saw the skills of one Mr Bruce Lee. You can see that with some Hong Kong style fight choreography that you could have a real gritty noir thriller in the vein of the Dark Knight. I disagree with anyone who says that its the villian that makes these movies successful. The Green Hornet has no arch foe so you can work on the relationship between him and Kato and their crusade to clean up their city. I cringe when I think of Seth Rogan and Stephen Chow doing this movie but hopefully he will not turn it into a comedy. Chow especially is fond of big stunts and physical comedy. Despite the show riding the wave that the 60s Batman TV program created, it steared away from being as campy and I think they should keep to that tone. All the great elements are there and the action figures would be terrific. I actually prefer the full face mask with the hornet symbol to the Lone Ranger mask. It hides his identity more and for a crusading newpaper man that would be the most important thing. And how cool is that logo? Would look awesome against the blackened sky. Please keep the Black Beauty a retro car also. It needs the heft of an old style American gas guzzler to be as intimidating as it was on the show.