Much like the rocket wing that Yves Rossy flew over the English Channel last summer. Though technically not a rocket pack since you have to first be dropped from an airplane but its as close to the real thing as we have today. You still need a parachute to land but it would be cool to just be able to go all Iron Man and zip across the sky. I guess you are able to glide at least 50 kms without the rocket engines even being turned on. Reminds me of when I first jumped out a plane. One of the guys that was jumping that day had never even been in a plane so he was doubly freaking out. When they finally got him out the couldn't reach the toggle bars on his rectangular canopy parachute so he was basically at the whim of the winds. These toggles allow you to make big looping circles so you can pinpoint your landing. For some reason his didn't deploy. We all watched him disappear into the distance. Luckily some farmer a province away found him in his hay field and drove him back the 100 kms that he had drifted.