I love these licensed superhero buttons. Years ago one of my senile aunts gave me a huge wall hanging of Bambi and Thumper. Now maybe for a child this would have seemed cute but for a thirteen year old it was a beating in the making. I had an old atari game system and my own cabinet hi fi system so my room was like our clubhouse. So while we were collecting records I was was also collecting funky pins to add to my wall hanging so as to make it more cool. It took a year but finally it was something I could actually be proud of and reduce the mocking about. Here are some examples of the pins I have or would be on the look out for along with anything military that my father managed to collect through his army connections. Neat that such a stupid gift would inspire another cool thing to collect. I still look for buttons wherever I go so if anyone wants to send me some for my tapesty then they are always welcome.