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Bay's ShoWest Transformers 2 Montage Video (Update 4)

In what can only be a sneak of what the upcoming second Transformers 2 trailer will be, Michael Bay's site has posted the montage video for Revenge of the Fallen Bay showed at ShoWest a few weeks ago. It is freaking awesome with first looks at Devastator, Jetfire, Megatron kicking Optimus across a field, Sideways, Chromia, Megan looking incredibly foxy and lots more. The first part is a scene between Sam, Mikeala and Bumblebee in their garage before he leaves for college. Right off the bat you can see an improvement in the CGI work not only in the design but the movement and mannerisms of Bumblebee. From there it just gets better. If this montage doesn't get you excited for the movie, I don't think anything will. Thanks to Franco, Diego and Tony for the link.

In addition, he also posted the tribute video to his career that was played as part of the award ceremony when he accepted the Vanguard Award.

From the comments, links to download the ShoWest montage:
FLV(Higher Quality) - VLC to play
MP4(Lower Quality) - VLC or Quicktime to play
HD Download: MediaFire (Thanks to Alex for the links.)

Update: Added above download links and the below screenshots of the montage (hover over for comments) that Elis provided (thanks!).

Bumblebee Cries (groan)Chromia vs SidewaysJetfire complainsSideswipe flips-outScalpel (The Doctor) goes to work on SamWheelie picks a safe, but why would he need to?Optimus Prime vs Megatron's kneePrime gets airborne, Shia tries to not get squashed and possible Blackout? If so why the blades so small?Constructicon Rampage(I think) vs BumblebeeSkids and MudflapNo clue, can't tell if one or two TFsBumblebee and Twins at PetraOptimus Prime, Egypt (White Sands)Optimus and ? jump aroundDevastator thinks he is a catSince flowing flag, thinking Decepticon, some suggest Mixmaster

Update 2: From picture 6, someone noticed the blue look and wheel indicating the Transformer is Wheelie. Makes more sense as I imagine Scalpel, being a Decepticon, would simply just tear the safe apart. Thanks to HoosierAussie for the observation. Update 3: Sadly the video has been pulled from Vimeo and some locations on YouTube but did find an HD replacement embedded above. I also removed some of the download links that no longer worked.

Update 3: YouTube video stopped working, replaced that with embed from SlashFilm and Trailer Addict.

Update 4: Trailer Addict pulled the video so did an upload via blogger's interface which as you can see isn't so hot. Tried to make larger but the result looks like crap. Enjoy while you can.

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