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And They Wouldn't Even Let Me Have A Stapler

You put thirty two staples into some kid's head during a sugar low and you are branded a terrorist. How do they expect me to teach if they don't give my the tools to do the job properly. I say you put a couple of slugs into the kneecaps of some third graders and EVERYONE will line up without a problem or an ATTITUDE after recess. (oh and since the last time I tooted my own horn about reaching a blog milestone like say "600" -which this is- a certain Southern Mynx bashed me for overhyping my own importance I have decided that 712 and 986 will be my next massive blog milestone celebrations...keep posted bitches)

SANFORD, Fla. -- A Seminole County teacher who was suspended for bringing a loaded gun to school will get her job back. Michelle McGhee, 57, will return to Heathrow Elementary to teach third grade this fall. McGhee was suspended without pay in December 2007 after she said she accidentally gathered her gun with other belongings and brought it to the school. She said she unknowingly dropped the gun by the bus pick-up. Seminole County Schools Superintendent Dr. Bill Vogel initially wanted her fired, but the School Board followed an administrative law judge's recommendation and reinstated her. "I think she realizes how severe it was, and I don't think she will ever bring a handgun to school again," Vogel said. "Certainly, a teacher being an example should not bring a gun to school and should not be reinstated by no means," parent Beverly Runion said. McGhee will be on probation throughout the next school year and get a letter of reprimand. Her car and bags can be randomly searched on campus.McGhee agreed to the terms.

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