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Pepsi Natural

I am one who longs for the days when my beloved Pepsi came in GLASS bottles. It just seemed to taste better than plastic or aluminum. A few years ago our local convenience store got some glass Pepsi bottles from Mexico and thought they wouldn't sell so they discounted them severely. I bought an entire case and rationed them. Maybe it was psychological but I thought they tasted soooo much better than what I was used to. This new product sweetens the Pepsi with cane sugar instead of chemical sweetners. Following is a review of the product. If I see it I will try it. Thanks to Liza Mynx for sending me some great Pepsi pics.

"While the regular version had a biting, acidic feel, the natural felt smoother and more mellow. The regular mouthfeel was inferior, being somewhat astringent. There was a grittiness on my tounge and teeth with the regular version that seemed absent with the other. Overall, the taste profile was very similar. I think that the natural version had hints of cognac, but even in the non-blind test the two drinks were difficult to distinguish. Later, a couple of my friends also used the adjective "smoother" when describing Pepsi Natural versus regular Pepsi."

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