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Paris Disneyland Steampunk Posters


You all know of my love for turn of the century steampunk themed poster and these are no exception They were created by artists for the Paris version of Disneyland.

"Reflecting the Vernian influence of Disneyland Paris' Discoveryland - their version of Tomorrowland - these posters for attractions in their land are things of beauty. First is the marvellous poster for the original Space Mountain: From the Earth to the Moon, which most strongly carries the Victorian theme through. Second is the poster for the Videopolis eatery, with it's overhanging Hyperion airship from The Island at the Top of the World. Following this the poster for the giant orrery/rocket-jet ride Orbitron, which in real life is a fantastic piece of kinetic sculpture. Finally is the now-absent Le Visionarium show poster, in which the kindly robot took visitors on a journey through the history of scientific progress, starting with Jules Verne."

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