I was searching the term "Endangered animal" on Google this afternoon before I stumbled upon the list of the Top 10 Most Endangered Animal which i found that not many realized it all. Thanks to World Widelife Fund (WWF), the list has been around for us to realize the why conservation of these flora and fauna species become so important. World's Earth Day will be a fortnight time, but I do not wish to talk about merely just switching off the light for an hour. There is so many things we can do as a human on that March 28, are not you agree?

Well, GREEN TEA presenting the Top 10 Most Endangered Species in the World:

10) Mako Shark
mako shark
Mako shark can be divided into the longfin (Isurus paucus) or shortfin (Isurus oxyrinchus). Both are currently placed under the conservation term of Vulnerable. Usually it grows up to 2.5m long and over 70kg in weight. Although no attacks have been attributed to the shark, its large size and teeth make it potentially dangerous. The fish is constantly sought for their fin and meat.

9) Green-Cheeked Parrot
An endangered classified Amazon parrot (Amazona viridigenalis), is native to northeastern Mexico. Currently its wild population staggering at around 1,500 only. The main threats to its survival comes from illegal export of trapped birds and destruction of their habitats. This parrot feeds on seeds, fruits, flowers and nectars.

8) Big Leaf Mahogany
A species of plant (Swietenia macrophylla) found enormously in Latin America and Caribbeans. It is currently placed in the category Vulnerable due to constant demand for red-wood products. Mahogany produces a good quality wood and the species naturally grows individually rather than in groups.

7) Hawksbill Turtle
sea turtle
The one metre sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is experiencing a critical endangered status which has been tagged on them for years. They are found in many parts of the world, especially on the tropical reefs. They become endangered due to their slow reproduction rate and constant demand for their shells.

6) Alligator Snapping Turtle
alligator snapping turtle
This is one of the world's largest freshwater turtle (Macrochelys temminckii). Althought they are opportunistic carnivors often at young age, they become omnivores once they mature. The turtle becomes vulnerable due to its hunting for their rare meat and habitat loss.

5) Goldenseal
Also known as Orange-root (Hydrastis canadensis) is a perennial herb native to in southeastern Canada and northeastern of USA. The herbal properties it possessed include bitter, hepatic, alterative, anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, laxative, emmenagogue and oxytocic; therefore is often used as multi-purpose remedy. The species becomes endangered due to overharvesting.

4) Beluga Sturgeon
An European sturgeon (Huso huso) is native in Caspian and Black Sea, althought also found in Adriatic Sea. It is currently classified as endangered, can grow until 6m in length and live until 118 years in wild. The number become greatly reduced due to overfishing and poaching.

3) Tiger
Virtually all kinds of tiger is in virtual endangered. The tigers in Siberia has been extinct and their relatives in South-East Asia (Panthera tigris) may face the same dark future. Reaching up to 4m and 300kg, this is the largest of the four "big cats" in the genus - others been lion, jaguar and leopard. Tigers are hunt for their parts of body in traditional medicine in Asia and ultimately a Malaysian's symbol and proud. Can they survive?

2) Giant Panda
Native in China, the panda bear (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) numbered only less than 2000 in the wild. Due to habitat loss and poaching, the species of black-eyed bear has been put int he endangered status for quite long. The Chinese are proud to have inserted them as their national proud. But can they survive extinction?

1) Black Rhino
black rhino
Been critical endangered, rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) numbered only 3600 in the wild. Been native in eastern and central areas of Africa, it stands at 1.7m at shoulder and 3.6m on feet, weighting up to 1300kg. It is still hunted for various parts of their body.

Now you know who lives in danger in the wildlife. Come, let us remember them during this Earth Day as well, because they are part of the World. Let us save them before it's too late!! Act now towards the conservation. You can do your part by contacting your local WWF agency if you wish to contribute to our nature!!

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