First of all, I would like to say sorry for my recent inability to reply all your messages and comments. basically, the WIFI in my hostel was so playful and nuisance these days. It just love to online and offline by itself and suddenly everything was dead. All thanks to the blackout and constant electrical 'trip' at the administration office.

Anyway, back to the case.

Starbucks Coffee is offering something new for itfirst quarter of the year. The latest campaign "We Have A Passion For Our Handcrafted Beverages" is currently on-going. With recent attempt to boycott Starbucks Coffee and other American products due to their 'alleged' involvement in the Israel funding, the campaign is not widely seems to affect them. According to my enquiry to one of the worker, the reception is still as normal as it was, nothing change, just probably current economic climate may have little impact on the business.

Anyway, back to the case again.

Have you been to any Starbucks Coffee outlet? If so, buy a tall-size beverage and get yourself a small booklet or coupon-like thingy. At Starbucks, they just love to call it a passport for some reason. With using the passport, buy a Starbucks handcrafted beverage (means any drinks that required them to pour, mix, heat or craft, err...what ever) from a minimum size of tall, and get a stamp for the purchase.

After you get 7 stamps on the same passport, you will get a 8th purchase free. Starbucks will give you a Tall-size beverage free. Promotion period begins 1st February until 13th April 2009.

The Starbucks handcrafted beverages include all brewed coffee, espresso-based beverages, tea, tea-lattes, hot chocolate and Frappucino Blended Beverages.

So what you waiting for, start your journey now. [Sorry about the poor quality pictures]

By the way, thanks for all your comments on the previous post.

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