Ever wonder how magnificent God had made our Solar System is?

Thanks to our human curiosity, coupled with advancement in science and technology over the years, we were able to see our own world better. We sent many rockets, satellites and probes over the last half a century in hope to view our world better. Yes we made it and we can even see our whole Solar System better too. These pictures were taken from multiple sources to reflect how we have seen our Solar System the way it is now. So let us get stumble on these pictures to appreciate it!

"is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals"

The Rocky Terrestrial Planets

MERCURY from Mercury, Roman God of commerce and profit; as in Greek God Hermes
[46-70 million km from the sun; orbits the sun for 90 days; 2440 km in radius; temperature around 80 to 700 K; no atmosphere; 0 moon]

VENUS from Venus, Roman Goddess of love; as in Greek Goddess Aphrodite
[107-108 million km from the sun; orbits the sun for 225 days; 6050 km in radius; temperature around 735 K; high pressure carbon dioxide atmosphere; 0 moon]

EARTH our World and Terra
[147-153 million km from the sun; orbits the sun for 365 days; 6371 km in radius; temperature around 184 to 331 K; life-supporting atmosphere; 1 moon]

MARS from Mars, Roman God of war
[207-249 million km from the sun; orbits the sun for 687 days; 3400 km in radius; temperature around 186 to 268 K; carbon-dioxide atmosphere; 2 moons]

The Giant Gas Planets

JUPITER from Jupiter or Jove, the king of gods, Roman God of sky and thunder, equivalent to Greek God Zeus
[740-817 million km from the sun; orbits the sun for 11.85 years; 71500 km in radius; temperature around 100 to 170 K; hydrogen cloud atmosphere; 63 moons]

SATURN from Saturnus, Roman God of agriculture
[1.35-1.51 billion km from the sun; orbits the sun for 29.7 years; 60300 km in radius; temperature around 80 to 140 K; hydrogen cloud atmosphere; 60+ moons]

URANUS from Uranus, Greek God of sky
[2.75-3.00 billion km from the sun; orbits the sun for 84.3 years; 25600 km in radius; temperature around 40 to 80 K; hydrogen cloud atmosphere; 27 moons]

NEPTUNE from Neptune, Roman God of seas
[4.45-4.53 billion km from the sun; orbits the sun for 164.8 years; 24800 km in radius; temperature around 40 to 80 K; hydrogen cloud atmosphere; 13 moons]

That's the pictures that makes us awesome sometimes!!

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