I have several questions for you to ponder just a while:
1) Are you aware of the upcoming YOUTH '09?
2) Are you free this weekend?
3) Do you want to catch some great activities that you are about to discover (below)?
You bet it! If you are not in town or haven't heard about this event anywhere before, this is your chance of knowing it and your chance to do so.
YOUTH '09 is Malaysia's largest youth lifestyle event features a 3-days festival that is held from this Friday (9th of January) at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), bringing in youth communities for a range of exciting activities. This festival caters not only the youth but also involves everyone from all different background and age. The theme for this year's event is "Malaysia's Largest Youth Lifestyle Revolution".
1. Entrance is free. Yes it is free but you can get your free pass to YOUTH '09 from Youthsays, the event's official online community at here.
2. Previous participants have described the events to be exciting, beneficial and revolutionary. Do check out for a massive and bigger benefits for us as the youth (Take note: youth are those below 35 years of age or so)
3. Time of event: Everyday 10.30 am to 9.30 pm. Come anytime you want but do check their schedule for more updates on the events
4. YOUTH'09 is jointly organized by Persatuan Pemuda Negara Malaysia, YouthMalaysia, and The Youth Intelligence. YOUTH'09’s partners include Rakan Muda, 8TV, AIESEC Malaysia, Animax, Fly FM, Hai Magazine, Hot FM, Jazzercise, Kareer.com.my, Macro Kiosk, Malaysian Today, Mangga, Mangga TV, Nuffnang, Wanita, Don't Panic, Remix, Utusan Karya, Sports Planet, Innity, MIRC Incubator, Utusan, Kosmo, and Friendster.
5. Some of the awesome activities include:
The 2nd National Youth Entrepreneur Convention 2009
Battle of the Bands 2
Extreme Street Dance Challenge
Communtiy Meet-ups and Gathering
Career attack
1 vs 1 Caged Futsal
Youth Designer Festival
Modern Fitness
Graffiti: Write It Out Loud
Expression Photography Challenge
Celebrity Sessions
Foosball Tournament
FLY FM Campur Chart
3 vs 3 Basketball Challenge
Animax Cosplay Competition
For more of these events, please visit the website here for more details.
So anyone is coming? Reply me, OK....