Assuming this toy is legit, does this prove that a combiner of 7 Constructions is in Transformers 2? Consider a few things. One is the call sheet which described one Transformer character as a "Constructicon Earth Mover." Also an anonymous source whose information proved reliable way back in late June told me) that the Constructicon would not be one of several, but a single TF whose alt mode is the "world's largest earth mover". The RH400 fits that bill nicely.
It is way too early to draw any definitive conclusions but I have had doubts for a while about a true combiner in the film due mostly to costs. If history holds, hopefully in a week or so more pictures will come out to clarify things.

Update: has posted additional pictures. One shows off the vehicle mode that is clearly a RH400, with what appears to be a Decepticon logo on the side. There are also two shots of what I guess is a potential configuration to merge into Devastator. The boxes in the background are from Beast Wars line. I still want to see the robot mode. One theory is they don't have individual robot modes; the vehicles combine to form a super robot. My only response to that is this is Transformers, not Voltron.