Thanks to Phil who sent me the below pictures that I think came from the
Transformers The Game website joining the previous
leaked pictures of the Twins. Nowadays its hard to tell but the detail isn't up to the level of
Empire's Optimus Prime image making me think they are all based on ILM's designs but modified for the game's graphics engine. Ironhide looks slightly different, I just can't pin down why. The new angle on the Twins just makes them even stranger looking. As for Megatron, in the bottom right you can see potential tread and he has two claw-hands instead of a
cannon arm, either a game design change or maybe the cannon is not permanent but a sub-transformation similar to his weapon in the first movie.

Update: Just a side note, as the below image proves, final verification that those
images leaked back in September where related to "Mudflap". Apparently the buggy look eyes were related to his head design. Thanks to Phil for the image below.