Personally I think it’s a mistake. Do fans know about the movie? Sure. Does john q average movie goer? Nope not even close. Even people wearing Transformers shirts that seem semi-Internet savvy are surprised when I tell them the sequel is coming out next year. Internet knowledge does not equal common knowledge. The Pirates model was based on two movies coming out less then six months apart. When the sequel is your advertising for the next movie you don't have to engage in aggressive selling. Transformers came out over a year and half ago. It simply doesn't have the same popularity that Pirates had (like it or not). They are comparing apples to oranges and don't seem to know it.
I thought the marketing for the first movie to have been handled perfectly. Enough information and trailers to keep people interested but no so much that people get sick of hearing about it. Nothing worse then seeing a trailer so often you lose interest in the movie itself. However, its better most people know about your movie then not enough and right now I don't think there is a critical mass that is aware a sequel is coming. The way I see it, if ET or AICN do not suddenly get an "exclusive" by Wednesday, there will be no Transformers 2 trailer until February or March of next year.