Yes. You hear me right. Yesterday, at approximately 9pm, somewhere in Berjaya Times Square, I lost my lap-top in a bag following a 'robbery' incident. I think that guy was on high.....
Well, I think I just leave the details. The point is I lost my laptop, and I spent the night at the police station right until 2 in the morning, trying to convince them to look at the CCTV, but the sergeant ignored my request. I knew how the guy looked like and I can recognize him if I ever see him again.The sergeant asked me to call him if I ever see this dude again - sweat and speechless statement I heard from a police officer.
Never mind, life goes on.....
And there is some riddle I want to share. I know this time is inappropriate after such a misfortunate events that happen.
Okay, here it goes....
When someone said this to you, "AAA BBB AAB BBA ABB BAA ABA BAB BBD EDD DAB AEE"
How would you reply?
Think about it and give me your answer or guess on the comment box.
No prize will be awarded, the reward is that it makes your brain operating and functioning well.
No prize will be awarded, the reward is that it makes your brain operating and functioning well.