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A Day In Paeds Clinic

Today is 23th December...meaning the clock is ticking even closer to the Christmas day itself. It is only 2 days left on the calender, yet the mood for some holiday season had already begun since like last Friday. Today I have a great time in the children dental clinic since today it is my turn to be there and I have an appointment with one of my children. Due to medical and legal etiquette, I will not post or upload any pictures of the clinic itself here. Just let the words tell it all.

I have an scheduled appointment with one of my patient today. His father brought him a bit late than usual and requested me to deal with their son's carious teeth. Since this is my first time encountering him, I was surprised that the child had some sort of genetic disorder disease. No matter what the child had, it was my responsible to treat his case too.

I never heard of the disease and it did nothing to ring any of my bells because simply because I never learn it before. The child is 6 years-old, a happy-go-lucky boy but unfortunately suffered from a rare genetic disorder called Noonan Syndrome. This disease is not fatal and does not possesses any harm to the child himself. during the treatment, he seems to be not in any state of anxiety but as time goes by he get a bit tired and irritated, as in all case of children that attends the dental clinic.

I managed his carious front tooth for about half an hour and then before he left, I gave him some cookies and water for him and his siblings. Watching them left, I felt the warmness in their family. Although they may not be celebrating Christmas because they are Indian Muslim, I still think of how appropriate the timing for me to post this up. A family warmness during hard time or great time were shared among all others.

I may not be able to go back during this Christmas but I do hope those who are able to do so to really use the time to reflect on the year that we have just been through. 2008 is raising its curtain soon. So what have your year been? Good or bad are just part of it. Lets look forward for a brand new year.

Today I learnt a few thing:
1) The warmness family relation is what it matters - it doesn't matter if one of them are less unfortunate than the others, the essential part is the familyhood itself. A family endures good and bad time together.

2) Noonan Syndrome is a relatively common genetic disorder which affects every 1 in 1000 to 2500 live births. It is regarded as a male version of Turner syndrome. he principal features include congenital heart malformation, short stature, learning problems, indentation of the chest, impaired blood clotting, and a characteristic configuration of facial features of webbed neck, wide spaced eye and low set ear. These kids are not asked to born in such a way...I really pity them!!

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