Anyway, to those who are interested to join in for some unofficial and self-held gathering, here are some notes to be taken down:
Event: PRE-CHRISTMAS LUNCH GATHERING.....(it should sounds OK)
When: This Saturday, 20th December 2008, 11am
Where to meet: STARBUCKS, Ground Floor, Sunway Pyramid...
What we will do: How about a lunch gathering somewhere at Sunway Pyramid...the place for lunch is not determined any suggestions? And, we shall have a chit-chat session because I believe many of us haven't formally meeting each other yet! If you do have anything in your mind, just voice it out here!
Please inform your humble participation as soon as possible.
Phone: 0168480812
Cannot find the place, use Google Map!!
Random:- See the Poll on the right sidebar, vote for your favourite movie!! Thanks