Christmas is really coming to town!! It is about a month to go for us to celebrate perhaps, the happiest day in the whole year. Are you not excited that the Christmas is coming? Well as I mentioned earlier in my post early this month; whether you are celebrating it for the religious purpose to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ or you just simply celebrate it as a time for gathering among our beloved family and friends, it does not matter the most. What matter is who are we celebrating with and how enjoyable you are wishing it will be. I am sure some of you are now scratching your head, trying to figure out what you want to get for your loved one. A new clothes, a new pair of shoes, perhaps a new books, and sort of?

Instead of cracking your head thinking what to buy for ourselves and for our beloved one, have we ever thought of other people who are less fortunate?

Yes, Starbucks Coffee will be organizing some Cheer Charity Party at this coming December. Are you interested to join?

What it is about? Starbucks will be organizing a Christmas party but more sort of in a charity way. They are planning to bring over some kids from (undetermined yet) some orphanages to be celebrated together during the party.

When it is? It will be held on the Thursday, 4th December 2008, 6.00pm

Where it is? It will be held at Starbucks Coffee Berjaya Times Square, Ground Floor (Mezzanine Level), at the main entrance and opposite The Domes.

Who are coming? Actually anyone can come, but you have to give out your RSVP to them as soon as possible.

What you should do? You just have to bring some gifts for them, that's all. I'm not sure how many orphans they are going to bring over, but I assumed that there are no limit nor minimum number of how many gifts you wish to donate to them, merely it's up to you to figure out. A pencil box or a can of biscuit will be good, seriously.

So, are you planning to join-in?

Yes, I am going since the Starbucks personally approached me and Renaye last Saturday. So, we are definitely going. If you are interested to come, why don't you tell me as soon as possible so that I can tell the Starbucks people that there will be more people that will tagging me along? Remember it is on 4th December 6pm at Berjaya Times Square.

What if you can't go?

If you can't go, why don't consider to donate some for the orphans as well. How? You see, I have several things that I am thinking to buy for them. However, I know everyone is living under a tight budget, therefore I will be happy if we all can gather a small portion of our money just for the charity. I mean we collect money together and we can buy something for them under the banner of Nuffnang bloggers or as a Malaysian youth!!

So what say you guys?

If you are interested to tag in for the event or to collectively buying something for the unfortunates, please give me an e-mail at bernardckv@hotmail.com, text me at 016-8480812, or leave me a comment on this post. Simply tell me that you are interested, and give some suggestion or ideas for what stuffs we should buy for the kids.

Seriously, this is no fraud or any scheme to cheat your money. This is merely a sincerity to help those who are unfortunates. Let's proof to other people that bloggers and Malaysian youths are kind and care for the others.
Anyway, sorry because I didn't upload the picture of the ticket of invitation because it is in Renaye's hand at the moment.

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