Yes, Einstein's beloved masterpiece has finally been proved correct. Now that after been made famous in 1905 by the man himself, it is only now that the heroic researchers from Germany, France and Hungary have finally prove that Einstein's most beloved formula (E=mc2) is in somehow, correct. All these while, people have been argued on the existence of relationship between mass and energy. After 103 years, thanks to the advances of the world's greatest and most powerful supercomputers at France's Centre for Theoretical Physics, you can continue to use the formula for your SPM Physics Paper.
Here is some physics theory only for people who are interested:
- Conventional model of particle describes that both proton (ion positive) and neutron comprise of smaller particles known only as quarks and are bound by gluons.
- Proton is a small particle with an electric charge of positive, stable as a subatomic particle in an atom and as ionic form as well, and composed of 2 up-quarks and 1 down-quark. Proton determines the atomic number of an atom. Mass around 938.272 MeV/c2 (for more, here)
- Neutron is a small subatomic particle with net charge and a mass slightly larger than a proton, and composed of 1 up-quark and 2 down-quarks. Together with proton collectively as nucleons of an atom, they determine the isotope and atomic weight. Mass around 939.565 MeV/c2
- Quarks are elementary subatomic particles that engage in the strong interaction due to their color charge. They never found as an isolated unit in nature but tends to bound with each other to form hadrons (proton and neutron are examples of hadron). They consist of 6 types: up (+2/3 charge), down (-1/3 charge), charm (+2/3 charge second generation), strange (-1/3 charge second generation), top (+2/3 charge third generation) and bottom (-1/3 charge third generation).
- Gluons are elementary subatomic particles that can cause quarks to interact, to aid in binding of protons and neutrons in a nuclei.
- The mass of gluons is zero (0 MeV/c2) while quarks consist of 5%. The remainder 95%, according to the study, comes from the energy generated by movement and interactions of quarks and gluons.
- Therefore, energy and mass are related to each other as suggested first in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Energy can be converted by mass and vice versa.
- E=mc2, is a special relativity formula where, E = energy, m = mass, c = the speed of light in a vacuum (celeritas)
- The use of E=mc2 has been inspirational basis for building atomic weapon
Okay, sorry for the heavy subject material posted here. The physics can be interesting if you understand it and bored if you don't. Here are some of the excerpts of press conferences in Paris:
"Until now, this has been a hypothesis," France's National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) said proudly in a press release. "It has now been corroborated for the first time."

*Article here: