Just a reminder that today is the day the Blu-ray
version of Transformers hits store shelves. In addition the DVD gets a re-release today with the two-disc set in a
transforming Megatron case and the one-disc
comes with a Optimus Prime mask. I have not verified it personaly but Wal-Mart is
supposed to get the one-disc set that has a Bumblebee mask. As far as the best deals, it is a wash on the Blu-ray edition but it appears that Circuit City has the best prices for the DVD sets.
Best BuyBlu-ray $27.99
Transforming Megatron Two-Disc Edition $19.99
Optimus Prime Mask One-Disc Edition $14.99
TargetBlu-ray $27.99 (order online $24.95)
Transforming Megatron Two-Disc Edition $19.99
Circuit CityBlu-ray $27.99
Transforming Megatron Two-Disc Edition $17.99
Optimus Prime Mask One-Disc Edition $12.99
Wal-MartTransforming Megatron Two-Disc Edition $24.86
Optimus Prime Mask One-Disc Edition $19.86