As far as actual movie spoiler type information, not a whole lot that I could see. The ET report revealed that White Sands is dressed for a town in Egypt. Their footage, probably shot sometime in the last week was for day 66 out of the --- day production schedule. Also it appears where in the first movie the military characters did the globe-trotting it appears that Shia and Megan join them this time. As previously reported this could extend to include Sam's parents but that was not verified by either set report.
The Insider and ET have posted their videos online. The Insider video is here, ET one is here (or below).
Updated: Added the above picture to the post. The screenshot is from the Insider set report at the 3:12 mark. It appears to be an animatic of a fight sequence between Bumblebee and maybe Barricade but that is just a guess.