Just for laughter!!

OSCAR legend Paul Newman died at age 83. You may not know him so much but he is popular back when his role in "Hud", "Exodus", "Cool Hand Luke", "The Verdict", "The Sting" and "The Color of Money" have him garnered much attentions in silver screen. He is also an activist, race car driver and popcorn impresario, died due to long battle against cancer.

Mr Witwicki (Shia LaBeouf) the new rising star with currently had a major attention with Eagle Eye. Recently, the dude was arrested for DUI (Driving under influence) and involved in a traffic accident. But he will not be charged while his license might be suspended because the sheriff's officials said he refused a breathalyzer test. Mr Shia, don't act like Lindsay Lohan, okay?

Johnny Depp has signed a contract with Buena Vista and Walt Disney to star in three movies. Interestingly, one of the film signed was a sequel for the Pirates of the Caribbean. Expect the fourth swashbuckling from that guy. POTC 4 is now on pre-production.

American Idol 2 Runner-up, Caly Aiken had admitted in an interview and finally admitted that he is a gay. Not a surprise but he recently became a father, was interviewed in the program "Good Morning America". Recently, he became a father for the in-vitro embryo procedures, which he fathered Parker with Jaymes Foster, sister of David Foster.
Paul McCartney, one of the four The Beatles finally ended an 43-year wait to perform in Tel Aviv, Israel. His first visit to the Holy Land, was a huge night where he performed in front of ten of thousands of audiences.