I was browsing through the web until I saw one face that I thought was making me “wow”. In fact she is the only one that managed to captivate me the most among hundreds of models there. Not that the rest was not good, but she is the first that gave me those wunderkind. I think I have fallen in love with her – love at first sight. Her smiles, oh my God, I can’t take it anymore. I called her “Angel”, my lovely Miss Angel.

In the end of the day, she is just a girl on the computer screen. I will never meet her or tell her how much I’m in fond with her. I will never have a chance to go out for a simple dinner date with her. This is because she represents something that we always threw away the chances when we possibly have. Everyone misses their chance, they left their dreams and so much more. The moral of the story, try to appreciate what ever or who ever is besides you. I can only stare at her everyday and she will only be my dream girl.
Anyway, if anyone knows the girl above, please, I just want to tell her that can I be her fan!!