Transformers: Animated
- Next wave will start coming out in Sepember and another will follow in December.
- September wave is Deluxe Sentinel Prime, Deluxe Swoop, Elite Guard Bumblebee, Leader Ultra Magnus, Acitvator Cliffjumper (BB repaint), and Deluxe Blurr
- December was includes Deluxe Swindle, Voyager Longarm, Voyager Shockwave and Leader Shadow Blade Megatron
Transformers Classic / Universe
- More re-designs of G1 characters, new ones will start hitting shelves in the fall
- Includes Deluxe Ironhide, Deluxe Sideswipe, Ultra Silverbolt, Ultra Storm Cloud, Legends Megatron, Legends Jazz
- Also have Robot Heroes G1 assortment of Megatron/Silverbolt, Ironhide/Kickback, and Thrust/Blaster
Transformers Titanium 6''- Three more toys for the line, exclusive to Toys R Us
- War Within Skywarp, War Within Prowl, and War Within Grimlock
Transformers 25th Anniversary 1984-2009
- Re-lease of G1 Optimus Prime with Marvel's Transformers #1 and "More then Meets the Eye" DVD which was the first story arc of the '84 cartoon series.
- Line includes what really is more Classics type toys with Hound & Ravage (alt mode a cassette), Deluxe Cyclonus & Nightstick Target Master, Legends Brawn, Legends Beachcomber, Voyager Inferno, Legends Bumblebee, and Legends Cosmos.
- Beast Wars represented with re-issue of Deluxe Cheetor

Update: Via TFW2005, is the below YouTube video of the panel.