First (potentially) the actors, and now it looks like Paramount has decided to sit out of this year’s San Diego Comic Con International. A Paramount spokesman told Anne Thompson that “The timing was off this year.” Most of Paramount’s upcoming geek slate isn’t scheduled to hit theaters until 2009. Paramount might still participate with some viral marketing, and with a presence on the show floor, but most of their big titles will be M.I.A.I am hoping that this gets reversed for Transformers. Just because Paramount doesn't want to spend money on the event doesn't mean that Dreamworks may not be willing. Even if the strike prevents the actors from showing up, the nice thing about comic conventions is often the Directors, Writers and FX crew, etc can be given as big a welcome as the stars themselves. An appearance by Bay or members of the special effects team along with a Q&A session would probably be one of the most attended. All are normally welcome. If the traffic on my blog is any indication, interest in this movie is very high and they should make every effort to help fan the flames.
This is a shocking move considering that Paramount/DreamWorks’ huge presence at last year’s con. The Iron Man panel was considered by all to be the highest point of the convention. Even Favreau credits the panel as jumpstarting the hype for the superhero film. The company also showed 20-minutes of Beowulf in 3-D, revealed Karen Allen’s return in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and the now infamous headless statue of liberty poster for the then untitled Cloverfield.
Thanks to Russell for the links. The Hasbro picture above is from Artwork by KD site.