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Transformers at Princeton Pictures and Video

From Scott comes the below pictures and video on some of the filming at Princeton University campus today on Washington and Williams Street. He reports that the scene involves Sam running across the campus while on his cell phone wearing a blue shirt and carrying his things. Shia can be seen in pics 3 and 4, Michael Bay in pics 7 and 8. He also reports that a stunt was filmed that involved a 2009 Saturn crashing into a lamb post and putting a hole in the front window. Mark also sent in a report seeing the same thing:
I work in Princeton and just watched the TF2 crew crash a silver Saturn Astra into the installed lamppost on the corner of Washington Road and William Street around 2 p.m. today. Before the crash itself they ran a few "test crashes," where the stunt driver screeched to a halt a foot or two before hitting the post, with the camera (on a boom) following the action from above. The actual crash knocked the ground-level cover off the post and ripped off the car's front bumper. After the crash the driver backed up slightly, then drove forward again for a few feet with the bumper under the front wheels, then stopped, opened the driver's side door, and fell to the ground. After the shot was over, the driver put the bumper in the car's backseat and drove the car down Washington Road (headed south), and as it passed me I could see that the front windshield had a hole the size of a baseball in it (with the appropriate spider webbing pattern in the surrounding glass). I'm not sure if that was there before the crash or not (I was about two blocks away from the crash itself). According to one of the PA's the next shot won't happen until tonight, though she didn't say where.

Thanks to Scott for the pictures and video.

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