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Rainn Wilson Spotted, More Videos

Ben, of the Beetlejuice casting news has provided a brief report on the filming today at Princeton.

I just got back from the set so I thought I'd shoot you a quick e-mail. There wasn't really too much to report. My girlfriend was an extra and she confirmed that the bulk of what was shot in the morning/afternoon were some lecture hall scenes. I can confirm that I saw Rainn Wilson and it appeared as though Shia was the only principle actor on the set. I'm sorry I couldn't get any good pictures, but everything was indoors. It was almost 90 degrees out and Michael Bay still wears the button-down shirts. Today is the last day of filming in Princeton.

Rainn Wilson has finally popped up on set and probably playing the Astronomy 101 professor for a class Sam is taking at unknown Ivy League school. Princeton isn't playing Princeton but some other school, according to Bay. Below are three videos that Russell found.

A shot of Isabel Lucas (not confirmed) calmly walking away as extras leave in a panic during a possible "Frenzy-thing" attack as described yesterday. The characters lack of reaction to the chaos around her is very interesting. Wonder what it means?

A video of a scene being shot with Shia walking across campus while fumbling with his books that probably matches with one from Monday. This video is from WPRB, student-run radion station at Princeton.

Yay, stretching again (but no Megan, sorry). Is it an acting 101 thing?

Thanks to Russell and Ben for their help.

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