As for New York, when and where they are shooting remains unknown. So far I have not heard anything that indicates if its still in the schedule or not. A hiatus in the shoot is scheduled to start June 30th (thanks to the probable SAG strike) so if it’s going to occur it has to be late this week. Time (and leaks) will tell.
Back to Princeton, for the last several weeks Sunday has been the day of rest for the stars and the day the production crew packs things up and moves to the next location. Based on several reports I have already received it looks like they are already on the Princeton campus and begun some preprep. Emily has reported that she has spotted crew prepping McCosh 50 (classroom scene), Mathey Common Room and Holder Quad (dorm). She also saw a news copter doing a flyover, possible to capture some footage? David reported seeing the 'E7' signs along Faculty Road which appears to be base camp as he spotted trucks, trailers and cops guarding the area.
Hopefully full details will start to come out but there you go at least some indication that TF2 has made landfall at Princeton University. Thanks to Emily and David for their info.