The full article is here.
The highlights:
- Doing pre-production on TF2, still on track for June 2nd start date for filming.
- His script draft was about 60 pages long. (In general, a page equals a minute so this supports the idea that he created a detailed outline versus a full blown shooting script).
- Meeting planned with the writers on Monday to start hammering out a finalized shooting draft.
- "Transformers 2 will deepen the different robot characters as well as the humor"
- Also indicated that a "geriatric robot" will join the robotic cast. (I assume this means Kup but could be an original creation.)
- If even writer's strike occurs, will "make our date" of opening on June 26, 2009.
- Bay believes sound is "50% of the movie, while the visual effects are a whole other movie unto itself."
- Transformers only had two days of blue-screen shooting, the part where Shia and Fox climbed on the robots.
- Mentioned that there was "30 animators on 16 characters and 47 transformations, each one unique."
- Sound mixer Kevin O'Connel is up for an Oscar, hopefully the 20th time will be the charm.
- "The sound designers had to come up with characteristic personalities for the different robots, and make the large robot sounds work" (Beats me but sounded interesting).