Stan Bush's message:
To all those who dare to believe,
My new studio album "IN THIS LIFE" (+2 bonus Transformers tracks) is available for pre-order at www.stanbush.com
I'm working on some other distribution methods as well, but this is your chance to purchase the album direct from the source!
Here are a couple snippets from reviews of IN THIS LIFE... and these are from the European release, they didn't even have the two bonus Transformers tracks on them!
Andrew McNeice of Melodicrock.com rated my newest album a 96% "Must Buy" and states that it has the potential to score the coveted "album of the year" award!
Juha Harjula of Melodic.net gives the album an excellent 4 star rating and says, "...Stan Bush is back with a brand new album and he is hungry as ever."
For those that are attending Hasbro's Botcon I will be doing a couple panels, autograph sessions, and even a fully plugged performance at the awards show! I will also have a dealer table setup and will be selling my newest album and other memorabilia as well. So come on by, and pick something up to be signed. Check out my Botcon page here:
I look forward to meeting all of you, and TIL ALL ARE ONE!
All the best,