The second is a new email from Simmons, a character from the movie:
From: SuppressedBeats me what this is about. Best guess is the movie campaign is gearing up so might be related to that. Perhaps the release date of the final movie trailer online. Guess find out soon. Now 77 days of safety...
Subject: Re: Hungry Dragon 2 Ground Campaign
Date Recieved: Apr. 20 2007 10:26 (MST)
To: S7 Department of Network Security
The ground forces of the counter-information campaign will begin moving out very soon. Times and locations of specific operations will remain classified. Coordinate security with the field commanders. We'll have full-duplex audio and visual from all the mobile command centers.
Keep Powers out of the loop. We can't afford another leak. His fate will be determined as soon as the inquiry has been completed.