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The Magic Dome

Now I understand that BP is trying to lower a huge 'dome' over the leaking oil pipeline at the bottom of the ocean. They believe this will 'contain' the spill. Then they can pump out the oil and avoid anymore damage to the ocean environment. This work will be done by four robotic submarines from Japan.

Did anyone else kinda tilt their head and make that 'huh?' face like I did? Usually I can envision how something will work but this one leaves me stumped. And when I can't figure how it will work then how much confidence can BP's engineers have that it will succeed?

It should be a movie starring Bruce Willis because ONLY through the use of models on a Hollywood stage would this ever work. There are just too many variables that have to go exactly right for the spill and it's accompanying damage to be stopped.

I will gladly take that dome off of BP's hands when they fail. It's just the right size and shape for a teabagger sized 'Thunderdome'. All we need to do is cut an entry door and ports for the windows and machine guns.

So after we waste time with this crazy plan, what then?

Maybe they will invent a time machine that goes back and changes the decision President Bush and the 'lord of darkness' Dick Cheney made to deregulated the oil industry. We all know that their actions effectively allowed BP and other huge drilling companies to police themselves and left us with one fat fox and one empty chicken coop (metaphorically).

I am getting neck pain from shaking my head so much.

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