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I Am No Longer Afraid Of Terrorists

I appears the Pakistani/American Times Square car bomber (who the 'Daily Show' has dubbed the 'Wanabomber' - very cute) was not only and idiot for trying to light a poorly constructed bomb with fireworks. He also left his keys in the lock of the rear SUV door he packed with explody things. He needed his landlord to let him back into his apartment when he got home because the keys to his apartment on that keyring. WOW.

How did these chuckle heads ever pull off 9/11. Osama Bin Laden must have been so shocked to hear the news on 9/11 - "WTF? It WORKED? Holy Shit! Quick Abudul, get me a cassette tape. I want to record me a message. Really? It worked? The towers are down? High fives all around boys."

Seem only government/corporations can kill you these days. More people have been killed by unsafe mines and oil spills than have been killed this year by any foreign terrorists. Home grown idiot are the thing we really need to fear.

Now get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and stop your search for the mythical Muslim boogeyman that YOU yourself are creating by being in that area. I promise that when you leave the people there will turn against the REAL people responsible for their suffering and maybe, just maybe, something positive will come out of all this crap.

Am I the ONLY one who sees this?

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