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Fringe Update

Holy Crap. I totally forgot that there was a Walter Bishop from the other side too. And if there is then it is perfectly logical to assume he had a totally different life experience than our beloved version of the good Dr. If one person is good in one universe is he the exact opposite in the other? Or are both people virtually identical?

That of course doesn't make sense. They are essentially clones of each other that have grown up with different experiences. We know that only one tower fell in the alternate universe's 9/11 so it is safe to assume that other 'facts' of history are different in both places - different histories + different experiences = different individuals.

However, during the fusing of the buildings when the two universes merged, the guy in the office was fused with both versions of himself, proving that the work each man did in each universe was identical. Same job in the same building and working at the same time sharing the same space. That is the only way his two selves would have merged into ONE creature (with two heads, four arms and four legs) like he did when the 'merge event' occurred.

So this makes me wonder if most people are living identical lives in both worlds. Both Peters were sick with the same illness weren't they? What are the rules we are operating under here? Do you see how the situation demands some kind of internal logic?

Newton called him 'Secretary' which means in the other Universe he is a cabinet member in the US government (or Secretary General of the U.N.).

Our Walter stole his son from him by bringing Peter across from the other side. The only question I have is why had it taken this long for 'Secretary Bishop' to find his way over to our side? Did the technology only recently been perfected on his side (which we can suspect hadn't been by the fused building we saw on our side - was that the result of the latest crossover?) How long did he know his son was in some alternate universe? Where did he think Peter was all those years he was on our side of the line?

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