Home » » Halo


I admit that I am not a gamer. You have to have dedication to spend hours learning a game to be good enough at it to enjoy yourself. I am intrigue often to take up the hobby but my mind would not be able to focus for long enough to actually be any good at the games.

I wouldn't mind a Tiger Woods golf game for my P.C. because those are relatively simple to use and the graphics and game play are really spectacularly realistic.

I saw this ad for the 'Halo' game on the inside back cover of a X-Men comic today and I loved the way they explained the premise of the game. Sounds like a normal day at the 'Cave of Cool'. I especially like the imagery of 'judgement raining down' on the aliens and how they will 'know fear'.

I have always said that if aliens ever do decide to try to take over the Earth they had best kill us ALL in the first strike because if they don't they will be in for more retribution that they have ever known.

We don't even like each other. How do you think we would react to someone who came from OFF PLANET to mess with us. Trust me alien menace, you do not want our little lizard brains thinking up ways to kill you. It's what we do best.

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