The Hobbit production suffered an upset over the weekend, Guillermo del Toro announced that he was leaving The Hobbit's directorial seat and the movie is still stagnated on the shelf with the financial woes of MGM. Not only that, there is chance that Jackson will not taking over the job too. Although he publicly announced his intention to direct if he had to, there are some problems around - particularly his binding contracts with other jobs.

In today's feature, Green Tea Movie lists who should replace Guillermo del Toro if Peter Jackson isn't. Ideally, Peter Jackson should but what if he is not? Too bad, there are only three who realistically should take over del Toro's job.


1) Alfonso Cuaron

He's Mexican too but that's not all. He is the director who made Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to become the most favourite Harry Potter movie among the fans. Yes, he is a good story-teller and a good film-maker as well. His vision for the third Harry Potter has changed the way how a middling fantasy art can be a dramatic adventure. Besides, he shared the same passion with Guillermo del Toro and they have been friends for the last 20 years. Cuaron produced del Toro’s incredible Pan’s Labyrinth in 2006 and the two are co-owners of Cha Cha Cha Films with Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu. Anyone who had watched Children Of Men (Owen Wilson's searching the missing baby was one of the most highlighted scene in the movie) and Y Tu Mama Tambien will know how brilliant this director is.

2) Neill Blomkamp

He is the apprentice of his fellow mentor Peter Jackson. He made a bold attempt of bringing in his brainchild and visionary story in District 9 and it proved to be a hit. District 9 was so loved by many - helm as one of the best science fiction of the decade, grossing $200 million despite a $30 million budget. He is the new boy in town but do not discredit his skills and talent just because he is a new boy. He did a mesmerizing visual concept on Halo before the production goes blank over budgeting under the guidance of Peter Jackson. This could be a chance for him to step more into the mainstream world; since Halo doesn't work, maybe he deserves another chance. He employs a documentary-style, hand-held, cinéma vérité technique, blending naturalistic and photo-realistic computer-generated effects - a perfect ingredient for The Hobbit.

3) Andrew Adamson

He is not a well-known yet, but Adamson is the man behind the first two Chronicles of Narnia. The concepts of the story is perfectly made and taking advantage of the beautiful scenery of New Zealand. Although both are mixed-received, his ability to take things down smoothly into a live-action transition is well praised. Like Jackson, he is also from New Zealand. The fact that he made the Chronicles of Narnia should be enough reason for him to be in the contention. he also made Shrek and Shrek 2 - both of been the best on its series. He is one of the under-rated director in the Hollywood!


1) Christopher Nolan

This name is been thrown in the list because he is a great storyteller and a great filmmaker. Both are very important ingredients when you want to take The Hobbit into the silver screen and fortunate enough, he has. With his strong tied in with Warner Bros, this could be another one who should be considered seriously into taking the job. The problem is; he has show no interest in taking the job, besides he is fully occupied with his Batman and Superman franchise. Maybe if The Hobbit production is delayed by another five years he may be in. With his devotion to the DC Comics, can he still find some times for The Hobbit? Not really, just a nice possibility.

2) Steven Spielberg

His involvement will give the level of anticipation goes higher. Or else, his involvement will also speed up the process of production. No one can argue his importance in making the film in every genre tastes so good. He never had anything that goes down to the gutter - and known for his perfect touch on every film he directed. The problem is; Speilberg is not the type of person that will jump on board simply, unless he build it all up by himself. If he is in, expect the radical changes from top to bottom. Spielberg and Peter Jackson have been working together on the film adaptation of The Adventures of TinTin.

3) JJ Abrams

Best friends of Spielberg and they shared many common traits. JJ Abrams is a master in story and styles - add in some fantasy weirdness and practical action sequences (which are good), he is ready to make any fanboys wet on their pants. The problem is; The Hobbit could be the whole damn thing that deviates away from Abrams' comfort zone of action or pure science fiction. It would be interesting to see he tackles something out of ordinary and more fantasy. But what are the odds?

* I have not completed my part two of World Cup 2010 yet, stay tune....

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