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Calvin's Adventures In The Past

Another recently found shot from cadet camp. The guys on the roof with me were fellow cadet photographers. We shot our own film and developed our own negatives before printing copies for the yearbook. It was alot of fun because we had access to anyplace on the base. It felt like being a wartime correspondant.

I'm on the roof looking to take pictures of a deadly 'Chupacabra' who had been eating cadets and sheep in the region of the camp. Since he was teamed up with the 'Mothman', we decided to take to the high ground to try to get a good photo of both of them so that the military police would believe we had nothing to do with the massacres. We lost alot of good men that night.

I am the one in the grayish shirt sitting down. My earlier life was like one big 'Scooby Do' adventure without the cute girls.

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