How 'out of touch stupid' can you be as a movie director when you actually want to be seen on TV shows like the 'Daily Show'. You are telling me that you are proud of making 'Sex in the City' II? The vapid sequel to the original that was based on possibly the worst piece of television crap since 'Ally McBeal?'
Don't try to justify a world where this kind of nonsense exists. Don't try to tell me that it empowers women because it celebrates how strong and brave they are for their struggle.
Blacks had 'struggles'. The native people have 'struggles' The poor have 'struggles'. If you tell me that it's a struggle to be young, rich and skinny then you need to rethink your priorities. Not knowing how to match your belt with your dress is not a 'struggle'.
But millions of people would kill to live these fictional lives. If only teachers, or nurses, or astronauts could be the goal because those professions actually help the world. Giving fashion advice and doing that double cheek kiss when you meet someone is not advancing the culture.
If girls have it so tough growing up we need not look further than to shows like 'SATC', 'Jersey Shore', and the 'Hill' to assess blame to. What wonderful role models all the females in these shows are. You aren't successful unless you have hundreds of pairs of shoes and the right clutch for when you are 'seen' at some fancy cocktail party. (Gah!)
'Sex in the City' specifically only celebrates shallow commercialism and slutty self interest. Yes you too can be like the 'gals' and you too can have it all - shoes, three hour luncheons with the ladies and Mr. Big's 'Mr Big'. (Christ Noth - how can you do this after you have been on my beloved Law and Order and why aren't you on that show only to investigate the gruesome death of those four useless skanks.
If I hear one more person call Sarah Jessica Parker a beautiful women, I will puke. She is a horsed face ghoul with an expensive handbag.