In case you don't remember or you never knew it at all, Canada once had a Prime Minister that was more badass that we had any right to expect. He was like a rock star in his day and was possibly one of the smartest people to ever lead our nation. He was PM of our country from 1968 - 1979 and from 1980 - 1984.
His sheer charisma and steady leadership got us through the FLQ crisis in Quebec (The October Crisis). When it seemed like a group of terrorists (FLQ) were going to break our fragile English/French alliance by their bombings, kidnappings and eventually the murder of a public official (Pierre Laporte) Trudeau stepped up and enacted the 'War Measures Act' and declared marshal law in Montreal. He sent in the military (including my father) to ensure the safety of that city.
He fought so that our Constitution had a 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms' and did much to promote bilingualism and multicultural acceptance. The effects of that can be seen today with the way that Canada treats it's homosexual citizens and our immigrant population.
However, all you need to know about the man is found in this picture. Just look at that outfit. Brother knew how to bring out the pimp daddy with his style. And that hat? You need confidence to pull off that hat. He's a charter member of the Canadian Cave of Cool.