Home » » Lost - Season Six - Episode 14 (warning: spoilers)

Lost - Season Six - Episode 14 (warning: spoilers)

I don't want John Locke to be evil anymore. I like it when he smiles about something. Sometimes I want him to win.

However, since he is evil, why does he NEED anyone (Jack included) to help him? If he was so powerful, what is the deal?

Jin and Sun break my heart every time I see them together. Their relationship will not end the way we all hope that it will.

If you shoot at the smoke you deserve to die because you are stupid. I know it's an instinctual reaction but it's SMOKE and when have you ever killed smoke with bullets or seen it done?

Do you think it's a good idea for the newly merged 'United' and 'Continental' airlines to call themselves 'Oceanic'? I would actually fly on the new 'Oceanic Airlines' I think. Having a 'Lost-like' experience would certainly break up my day and pad my resume for adventure.

You will be okay Kate, it's just a shoulder wound. Everyone survives a shoulder wound on 'antiseptic island'. Anywhere else in the world you would have bot fly and Guinea worm infestations.

NOOOOOOOOOOOO SAID!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Way to mess up, Sawyer and put your beloved Kat in danger. OMG. TOO INTENSE TOO INTENSE!!!! SAVE SUN YOU LOSERS!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Oh Sun. Oh Jin. That scene with them holding hands as the sub went down - heartbreaking.

I hate this show.

I bet you Jin is still alive even though it looked like he died. He would never leave their child without a parent and will make a surprise appearance when we most need him too. Right? I didn't see his body floating so I refuse to believe he is dead.

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