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GO Phillies Fans

I gotta say that baseball got a whole lot more interesting for me since that guy got tazed the other night. I could watch some ignorant goober from Philadelphia get tazed most every night.

You just knew the minute he jumped that rail that it was all just a matter of time before he was on the ground, shaking and buzzing like a wasp on a windshield.

In the old days they would just wrestle these goofs to the ground and lead them off the field. What fun was that to watch? Bravo to the brilliant mind in upper management that determined 'enough was ENOUGH'!

I think the tazer gun really ramps up the entertainment value. Watching them drop like a bag of wet cement is better than seeing the mascot do his stupid dance on the dugout.

Hell they should just taze the mascot too.

And the guys who strikes out or pops an infield fly ball. Also if you drop the ball or flub a throw - that should be a tazing. Then four or five times a game, if things are getting slow, you could randomly taze some players. WAKE UP! Time to earn that ridiculously high salary you are being paid. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZAP.

And don't think I forgot about the people in the stand. No sir. The fifth inning should be the TAZER inning. For that entire inning if you are radomly tazed in your seat then you win a hundred dollar gift certificate to Potter Barn or The TaZer Warehouse. You get an extra fifty if the electrocuting seat you are sitting in makes you crap your pants. The 'jumbotron' should do a five second countdown and then catch the person right at the moment the current is entering their bodies. The rest of the stadium can cry 'OLE' or 'BUZZZZZZZ'. Beats the hell out of doing 'the wave'.

Then will come that fine warm summer day when the NAKED guy runs onto the field of play. He gets his shot right square on bare ass or on his nuts. Now THAT'S a ball game!

Just check out the grace and technique of the security guy in this picture. It's a thing of beauty to look at. He led his target and he got him. Brought that young buck down and down hard. That is old school tazering - it's textbook. Something you kids out there need to aspire too.

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