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» Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Siskoid reminded me of something I didn't think of when I was digesting the news that legendary painter and fantasy illustrator, Frank Frazetta had died.
My cousin was a big fan of the monster magazines when I was younger. Whenever we visited him I could tear into his stash of 'Savage Sword Of Conan' or 'Errie' or 'Creepy' or 'Vapirella'. I loved the black and white art but mostly I loved the covers which often featured Frazetta's work. They were always so full of energy and violence.
Part of their appeal was of course the heroes and monsters on the cover but I admit that, like Siskoid, I remember the ANIMALS the most. He drew them at their most ferocious. Who didn't want a whole chariot of polar bears pulling your sled to school, especially in snowy Canada? Let's see some bully force me to give up my lunch with those Judgement Bears around.
So thank you Frank. Your influence was tremendous and I doubt we will see your like come this way again. Yours was a singular vision that all fantasy art owes a debt of gratitude to.