"ON THE GULF OF MEXICO - A novel but risky attempt to use a 100-ton steel-and-concrete box to cover a deepwater oil well gushing toxic crude into the Gulf of Mexico was aborted Saturday after ice crystals encased it, an ominous development as thick blobs of tar began washing up on Alabama's white sand beaches."
I am not happy that what I predicted would happen, did happen. When will you people realize that I am always right? Sure I got the whole Samantha Mathis/Martha Plimpton thing wrong last weeek but rarely do you see a retraction from the 'Cave of Cool.'
Not installing that shut off valve seem like a bad idea now, doesn't it BP? How must did you save again? Oh right, $500,000 dollars. No way the cost of clean-up or the profit lost or the damage done to the environment will ever reach that amount. Good corporate decision making. Someone is getting their bonus this year.
Did not ONE of the brainiac engineers working for BP realize that the bottom of the ocean might be COLD and that ice crystals may prevent the whole scheme from suceeding?