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Another Award For Me.

It may not be PC. It may send those who are offended easily to rush for the exits. However, to me, this award is sweet. It's cheeky and smutty and balances nicely the pretty colors of my other awards and says what I think in no uncertain terms when I think of my blog. But let's let Ricky tell you about it in his own words.

"So on behalf of a complete lack of taste and judgment (on my part), I do hereby present Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness with the "I'd Fuck That Blog With My Own Dick" Award from Cause For Concern for a rich and never ending stream of wonderful, geeky, lovely, paranoid, and downright delicious posts. I'll never stop reading."

Now THAT is just good writing. My thanks and unlimited love to you brother Ricky and to all of you who visit my little slice of heaven. Long live the Cave of Cool.

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