Obama was in a no-win situation with the Chicago Olympic bid but he sucked it up and took one for the team. Chicago lost because they felt they were 'entitled' to the games. They are like those people who are famous for doing nothing like Paris or Spencer Pratt and his dumb dog Heidi. It is all gloss and show but you can still smell the 'ugly' hidden underneath. Maybe when American culture (which I love) grows up a bit it too can gain the respect of the world and the IOC. Sure the IOC is corrupt and evil like the Nazis were evil but this time I think they got it right with Rio. Just chain your valuables to your jumpers everyone. And how about them slums? You know its bad when you just say SLUMS and you immediately think RIO or MUMBAI. Do you think that will be the route the marathon will take?
How about the Becks and Limbaughs taking glee in the losing of the Olympics for Chicago? Of course that is not 'unAmerican' to want to see anything Obama touches to fail. Remember how criticism of the last President was akin to treason if you spoke out against his war efforts or imposing such great freedom stripping legislation like the 'Patriot Act' or 'warrant less wire taps'? Yeh, good times. Keep being all crazy Republicans, I am sure you can weather negative approval ratings just fine. In no way has the 'wingnut wing' of your party driven you into the iceberg. Cheney and Palin in 2012!