Bludgeon - Based on the G1 comic book character, alt mode a tank.
NEST Bumblebee - Link to small gallery and auction for the repaint.
Supreme Devastator repaint - Currently Japan only repaint of the Supreme class figure. As far as I can tell, the most significant change is the red colored head instead of gray to make it more movie accurate.

Concept Corvette - Gallery of images of the car from the National Corvette Museum. Still a pretty car, still not sure if will ever be released for public purchase.
Battleship The Movie - Hasbro is continuing its march in movie theatres with announcement that Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights, Hancock) will direct Battleship. It will be a live action adaption of the board game. Berg was calling the film "a contemporary story of an international five-ship fleet engaged in a very dynamic, violent and intense battle." If things go boom in entertaining fashion, I will be interested.