"The grand challenge of the OCTOPUS IP is investigating and understanding the principles that give rise to the octopus sensory-motor capabilities and incorporating them in new design approaches and ICT and robotics technologies to build an embodied artifact, based broadly on the anatomy of the 8-arm body of an octopus, and with similar performance in water, in terms of dexterity, speed, control, flexibility, and applicability."

Like the 'Shadow' I have my agents around the world that keep me up to date on the latest cephalopod 'doings'. This I am having some trouble with. It is the kind of RECKLESS science that will doom us all. Yeh, lets study the evil octopus and find a way to make ROBOT octopuses that will work, act, think and FEEL (smug and spiteful) like the boneless bastards we already have trouble with. First is was 'SKYNET' now its this mad scientist who thinks he is oh so smart. Remember, eight arms means they can carry off eight times the babies or eight times the kitties. There is actually something called the OCTOPUS PROJECT which is...and I QUOTE..."a group of researchers building octopus-inspired soft-bodied robots." Don't say I didn't warn you. Thanks to Agent Booksteve for being on the ball with this news item.
"Though coordinating eight separate arms might seem a tricky task for an octopus brain, what’s really demanding is controlling the arms’ flexible, infinitely variable movements. Now researchers have figured out part of their secret."