I miss 'Lonestar', the all western channel we used to have on our satellite package. There is just something about those old TV shows that I enjoyed watching with my father. Before they became big stars you could see Clint Eastwood on 'Rawhide' (THE longest fricken cattle drive EVER! Where were they taking those cows, to the moon and back?), 'Have Gun Will Travel' or 'Wanted Dead of Alive' with Steve McQueen. I love him in the Magnificent Seven and next to the Duke and of course Yul, he is my favorite TV/movie cowboy. Randal was a bounty hunter who loved his sawed off carbine rifle. It handled like a pistol but had the punch of a rifle. Why more cowboys didn't pack the same kind of firepower I will never know. Once again our boy over at 'Toy Haven' has some of the best photographs of this figure. For my money there is nobody in the worlds of the internets that does better action figure photography. Spend some time at his site and you will experience a collection of truly mythic proportions.