I don't know why I just don't 'get' Megan Fox. Maybe its all the attention she is getting and maybe its her toe thumbs but I find her really 'obvious', smug and entitled and those are three of my least favorite qualities in a sex kitten. I feel about her acting skills the same way I feel about Tom Cruise's acting skills. She is not good enough to transcend the person she is in real life to give a believable performance. So obviously she will be a huge star. Of course I would have to come across an excellent cam version of this movie so I watched it. How is it that the movies I least want to see have the best cam footage available on bit torrent? Its like the movie gods are punishing me for not paying 20 dollars to see talking guinea pigs in the theatre. I was hoping for something like 'Ginger Snaps' but got less, much less. Amanda Seyfried is the real star to watch in this picture. She is adorable and is forced to downplay her attractiveness just to boost up Megan's. Diablo Cody wrote this and is so referential to pop culture that she lost me with her oh so hip writing 'tricks'. If this movie had been made 20 years ago I would have been all over it and I am sure it will 'speak' to this generation of mouth breathers. For a movie written and directed by women its pretty hateful towards young girls. It has almost nudity and some girl on girl kissing but all I can say is 'meh' from the 'Well of My Bitterness' which is the second coolest name for a band I have come up with this week.