Lana at her site 'mother hides her pearls' declared me the winner of the homemade cat treats and awesome cat treat container and both me and Admiral Fluffy are tickled pink. I never win anything I enter. The last times I got free swag was from Bubby Shelby and Lubbert-Das so this is a great thing. Also, how amazing, was it for her to spot that a lethal planet killing spore had developed on the homemade cat treats, thus saving us from certain death (yes I was gonna eat some myself, what?). You can read the whole story here and follow her great blog. I like sites like hers and Cora's that totally crack me up with their observations on the insane moments of ordinary life. I live basically alone in a dark cave with a cat so I need that peek into the world of the 'normals' every now and then. Oh, and Lana, Admiral Fluff thanks you by saying "NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM'.